As has been noticed.
Once the car has been built,I will have a car sat at the bottom of my garden,and no direct access to a road.This will leave me sat in my car at the bottom of my garden,making brrmmm brrmmm noises for ever,unless....
I have two contingency plans,neither of which I am willing to delve too deeply into at the present time,as it is a bit depressing!!
Evacuation route one...
There is an alley way leading from the bottom of my garden to the road.
It is at its thinnest,4'4" wide. If possible,I would like to build an A frame jig.that will lift the car onto its side,and wheel it out,down the alley.That way I can have a system in place to wheel the car back in for the winter months for any work that needs doing.

Evacuation route two...
There is a block of flats to the rear of the garden,and I reckon that the car could be lifted out by crane,over the bank of garages to the rear.
This would be a once only operation,though.The car would not be able to return ever again.

This is private property,and as such would need permission from somebody,no doubt.And as such,it could get messy with interference from a residents association etc.
I have enough on my plate at the moment,and I know it is very silly of me build the car,and then worry how I am going to get it on the road,thats just the way it is. I dont think I would manage the buid if it was completely off site. And if the worst comes to the worst,and I cant get it out,we will have a very expensive,but interesting garden feature at the end of it all!!!
Cheers James