Finally installed the water pipes. A proper job,hoorah!!
I was waiting to start work on the chassis when the workshop was up and running,but this afternoon,the sun was shining,the wife was at work,so I couldn't resist.
Feels good to have actually attached something to the chassis at last!!
Cheers James.
Having built a Sylva Riot before you go any further get those tubes out and have a bead rolled on the ends or file some groves on them so when you fit the hoses they won't leak. If you don't they will. Use silicone hoses as well as rubber types just don't seal properly. http://www.toolcom.co.uk/ do them at very reasonable price much better than all the other suppliers
I have gone round the ends with a wire brush,which is what I have been advised to do,but rolling the ends makes sense.I will look into it. Definately silicone hoses though. Thanks for the advise.
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